Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pssst ... you're an ENVIRONMENTAL organization

OK, I don't want to jump on Defenders of Wildlife too hard because ever since I joined my first environmental group a couple of years ago I've been so bombarded with mail solicitations you'd think supporting green issues involved revolving credit.

That said, generally the letters and envelopes are at least recyclable. That's where DOW sets itself apart. Maybe the group wants to be remembered, so in that case I guess it's working, but I can't think of a much worse sales pitch to your target demographic than bombarding people with a plastic-wrapped piece of cardboard held together by two pieces of plastic tape containing a 6x8 piece of, yes, plastic containing a junky plastic pen that says "Defenders of Wildlife" on it (I have at least four now).

Big marketing mistake, guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am posting on this blog because I am trying to get the word out about our organization.

Honestly, we need help. The entities that control this world do not want us to succeed in exposing their plans.

Please check out our website at the bottom of this post.

We need to start coming together as a nation and change the current "regime" through peaceful political means.

Also, please visit our band webpage and hear what our music is all about.

Introducing the new Christian National Anthem: Guns & Jesus.


God Bless,

Adam Vohrer
Vice President
Citizens Committee for Restructured Government